Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Last Music Library You'll Ever Need. Until the Next One.

Look out iTunes, Spotify is here.  For those of you that haven't experienced the wave of music's future, I encourage you to go to and download the last music library system you will ever need.  Sure, it took a while for it to get to the US, but now that it's here, I can't imagine it going anywhere else.

What amazes me so much about Spotify, though, is that it does seem to have staying power over all the other music player start-ups that have come (and pretty much gone at this point).  MOG?  Rdio?  Anyone use these any more?  Or did you ever to begin with?  I really liked Rhapsody when it came out, but why pay $10/month, when I can get Spotify's music for free?  And the radio advertisements aren't yet annoying.  I almost enjoy listening to them because I know that's the only way any of the artists are getting paid (from those advertisements).   Maybe it's just Spotify's slick interface that out-shines the rest of them.  Essentially, it feels like iTunes, just without 30-second snippets and having to purchase everything.  Instead, it's all neatly organized and F R E E, free.

So, I guess the next question is... what's going to take its place next year?  Free iTunes?

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