So I listen to a lot of music. And while I wouldn’t always admit this (though I am on my blog, so go figure that out) I’m a pretty big fan of poppy/trashy/bubblegummy pop. Every now and then I’ll turn on VH1 to see what the latest trash is on the airwaves. I’ve come to enjoy such nuggets as Estelle’s “American Boy” or Charlotte Something’s “How I Could Just Kill a Man.” So light. So airy. So simple and poppy.
Recently though it brought me to Duffy’s smash hit “Mercy.” And I gotta say, sorry Duffy, I’m not buying it. Go beg someone else. I have no sympathy for overused, tattered lyrics that are just oozing with lame.
Let’s have a look, shall we?
The opening verse begins “I love you/But I gotta stay true.” Sounds like you’ve got some difficult feelings to sort through. You love the guy, but you’ve got to be true to yourself. Phew, that sounds pretty tough. (Yawn.)
A little further on she rasps “You got me good, just like you new you would.” I mean, is Ron Isley coming in for a guest appearance? I half expect him to show up and break into “Twist and Shout.” (Heard it before. Ready to change the station.)
But wait, she’s not quite done yet, she follows with “I don’t know what you do/But you do it well/I’m under your spell.” Really, Duffy? Really? I mean, were you listening to “I Put a Spell on You” before jotting down some lyrics? Besides that, it sounds like a pretty dire situation on your hands. You don’t even know what he’s doing to you, and yet he’s influencing your every move. I’ll bet he even commanded you to write this song. Yeah, that’s it. You didn’t even write this song. It’s him. He knows what you need. But he’s not giving it to you, just letting you complain about it to others while not letting go. Wow, so meta. (Yawn. Stretch. Yawn. Turn the dial.)
Not only have I heard these lyrics a million times before, but their overuse has rendered them lifeless, boring and just plain lame. And I wanted so badly to like this song. It's enjoyably simple. Sadly for Duffy, though, simple turned to lame real quick. I do hope, however, that she gets it all figured out with her man. Then maybe her follow up can start with lyrics like “I’m free to do what I want, any old time.” I mean, they worked before, didn’t they?